Source code for susi.SOMRegressor

"""SOMRegressor class."""

import numpy as np
from sklearn.base import RegressorMixin

from .SOMEstimator import SOMEstimator

[docs] class SOMRegressor(SOMEstimator, RegressorMixin): """Supervised SOM for estimating continuous variables (= regression). Parameters ---------- n_rows : int, optional (default=10) Number of rows for the SOM grid n_columns : int, optional (default=10) Number of columns for the SOM grid init_mode_unsupervised : str, optional (default="random") Initialization mode of the unsupervised SOM init_mode_supervised : str, optional (default="random") Initialization mode of the supervised SOM n_iter_unsupervised : int, optional (default=1000) Number of iterations for the unsupervised SOM n_iter_supervised : int, optional (default=1000) Number of iterations for the supervised SOM train_mode_unsupervised : str, optional (default="online") Training mode of the unsupervised SOM train_mode_supervised : str, optional (default="online") Training mode of the supervised SOM neighborhood_mode_unsupervised : str, optional (default="linear") Neighborhood mode of the unsupervised SOM neighborhood_mode_supervised : str, optional (default="linear") Neighborhood mode of the supervised SOM learn_mode_unsupervised : str, optional (default="min") Learning mode of the unsupervised SOM learn_mode_supervised : str, optional (default="min") Learning mode of the supervised SOM distance_metric : str, optional (default="euclidean") Distance metric to compare on feature level (not SOM grid). Possible metrics: {"euclidean", "manhattan", "mahalanobis", "tanimoto", "spectralangle"}. Note that "tanimoto" tends to be slow. .. versionadded:: 1.1.1 Spectral angle metric. learning_rate_start : float, optional (default=0.5) Learning rate start value learning_rate_end : float, optional (default=0.05) Learning rate end value (only needed for some lr definitions) nbh_dist_weight_mode : str, optional (default="pseudo-gaussian") Formula of the neighborhood distance weight. Possible formulas are: {"pseudo-gaussian", "mexican-hat"}. missing_label_placeholder : int or str or None, optional (default=None) Label placeholder for datapoints with no label. This is needed for semi-supervised learning. n_jobs : int or None, optional (default=None) The number of jobs to run in parallel. random_state : int, RandomState instance or None, optional (default=None) If int, random_state is the seed used by the random number generator; If RandomState instance, random_state is the random number generator; If None, the random number generator is the RandomState instance used by `np.random`. verbose : int, optional (default=0) Controls the verbosity. Attributes ---------- node_list_ : np.ndarray of (int, int) tuples List of 2-dimensional coordinates of SOM nodes radius_max_ : float, int Maximum radius of the neighborhood function radius_min_ : float, int Minimum radius of the neighborhood function unsuper_som_ : np.ndarray Weight vectors of the unsupervised SOM shape = (self.n_rows, self.n_columns, X.shape[1]) X_ : np.ndarray Input data fitted_ : bool States if estimator is fitted to X max_iterations_ : int Maximum number of iterations for the current training bmus_ : list of (int, int) tuples List of best matching units (BMUs) of the dataset X sample_weights_ : np.ndarray Sample weights. n_regression_vars_ : int Number of regression variables. In most examples, this equals one. n_features_in_ : int Number of input features """ def _init_super_som(self) -> None: """Initialize map for regression.""" self.max_iterations_ = self.n_iter_supervised self.n_regression_vars_ = None # check if target variable has dimension 1 or >1 if len(self.y_.shape) == 1: self.n_regression_vars_ = 1 else: self.n_regression_vars_ = self.y_.shape[1] # initialize regression SOM if self.init_mode_supervised == "random": som = np.random.rand( self.n_rows, self.n_columns, self.n_regression_vars_ ) elif self.init_mode_supervised == "random_data": indices = np.random.randint( low=0, high=self.y_[self.labeled_indices_].shape[0], size=self.n_rows * self.n_columns, ) som_list = self.y_[self.labeled_indices_][indices] som = som_list.reshape( self.n_rows, self.n_columns, self.y_.shape[1] ) elif self.init_mode_supervised == "random_minmax": som = np.random.uniform( low=np.min(self.y_[self.labeled_indices_]), high=np.max(self.y_[self.labeled_indices_]), size=(self.n_rows, self.n_columns, self.n_regression_vars_), ) else: raise ValueError( f"Invalid init_mode_supervised: {self.init_mode_supervised}" ) self.super_som_ = som